-Fabric dyes and accessories
Procion MX dye Buttercup Yellow 25g packet
Procion MX fibre-reactive cold water dyes are the best dyes available for all cellulose fibres (Plant fibres) including cotton, rayon, linen, hemp, flax, paper, reeds and wood. They are used for tie dye, vat dyeing, graduation dyeing, printing, sponging, hand painting, shibori, wax batik, splatter painting and more. The colours are very concentrated and are all intermixable so you can easily create your own range of colours. Please be aware that Procion will not work at all on synthetics such as polyester and will only dye protein fibres such as wool and silk to very pale shades. Our dyes come with basic instructions and you will find a lot of information on the internet about alternative methods with Procion dyes. They are very versatile and there are many ways they can be used . You will need household salt and a fixative (Soda ash). You do need to be aware that the colours are an approximation. As with all dyes the colour achieved is dependant on the colour you are dyeing on top of and the type of fabric you are dyeing. I would also strongly recommend that if you are new to dyeing it may be best to have a trial dye session before dyeing anything valuable and it is important to be aware that when dyeing pre-manufactured clothing there is always a slight risk because you can never be sure what chemicals the manufacturer has used to coat the fabrics and how this will effect dye absorption.
25 in stock
Items needed for basic Procion MX dyeing in a bucket
Table Salt
Sodium Carbonate Soda Ash
Stirring Stick
Large Bucket or Sink
A word about safety
Although these dyes are amongst the safest on the market, It is best to avoid inhaling the dry dye powder as it can produce lung irritation. Where possible use the dye in solution. Wear rubber gloves when you are handling the dyes. If you are using the powder for any length of time it is wise to use a facemask, (available from most DIY stores). Clean any spills as you go on to avoid unwanted stains. Protect yourself and the work surfaces and keep the dyes
away from children, food and pets. Do not use dye utensils for food preparation!
Quantities of dye and salt and fixative for 100g of dry fabric
Water 2 to 3 litres for every 100g fabric
Pale shades use 0.2-1g of dye per 100g of fabric, 20 g of salt per litre of water and 5g of soda ash per litre of water.
Mid shades use 2-3g of dye per 100g of fabric, 40 g of salt per litre of water and 10g of soda ash per litre of water.
Heavy shades use 6-8 g of dye per 100g of fabric, 60 g of salt per litre of water and 20g of soda ash per litre of water.
Fabric must be clean and free of any coatings or contaminants. This can make a large difference to the final shade, so if in doubt give your fabric a thorough pre-wash.
Bucket dyeing
- Pour hot water in the bucket and add the salt.
- In a jam jar mix the dye powder with a little warm water and make a solution. Stir thoroughly so that all the particles are dissolve.
- Add dye solution to the salt water and stir again.
- Dissolve the soda ash in some water in a jug or jar and add to the dye solution/salt water in the bucket. This will now start the chemical reaction.
- After a minute, immerse the fabric and stir constantly for ten minutes and then regularly for another twenty minutes. Most of the reaction takes place in the first 30 minutes but for a more intense colour you can leave longer.
- Rinse thoroughly, Ideally use a detergent such as synthrapol which is made for this purpose. Squeeze out excess water. (spin dry if you can ) then leave to dry flat.
Procion dyeing in a washing machine
Items needed-:
Washing machine
Measuring jug or jam jar
500g Common salt (About a cupful)
35g Soda Ash (About 2 heaped tablespoons)
The technique for dyeing in a washing machine may vary depending on the type of machine you have so you may have to refer to your washing machine handbook if you are unable to follow any of these instructions. Procion will dye well at 40oc-50oc. It must not be set to pre wash, as you don’t want any dye to drain out before the fixative has been added. The wash cycle should last for over an hour.
It is recommended that if you have not used Procion in your washing machine before that you should have a test run with something that is not too important!
For washing machine dyeing the quantity of salt and soda ash required is always the same as it is dependant on the volume of water but the weight of the dye varies depending on the dry weight of the fabric.
Dyeing Procion in your washing machine-:
- Weigh your dry fabric. For each 100g of fabric you need:-
0.2 – 1g dye for pale shades, 2-3g dye for medium shades and 6-8g dye for heavy shades such as black and navy.
- Make sure your fabric is free of any sizing, oil, dirt or other contaminants and if needed wash your fabric in 60oc wash in the washing machine.
- Take the required amount of dye and place in the bottom of a jug or jar. Add a little water to make a paste and give the mixture a good stir. Then add some warm water and make approx 500ML in solution. Mix thoroughly to make sure the dye has completely dissolved.
- Add the 500g salt in to the washing machine drum.
- Add the dye solution to the washing machine drum.
- Add the clean fabric in to the washing machine.
- Turn on the washing machine making sure it is not set to pre wash and let it start its cycle.
- After 15 minutes you should be able to see that your fabric has been evenly coated with dye and salt solution, however at this point the colour hasn’t been fixed so it would just wash out if you rinsed it.
- The next step is to add the Soda ash fixative. Dissolve 2 heaped tablespoons (35g soda ash) in to 1 litre of warm water in a jug.
You can either stop the wash without allowing the dye water to drain and add the soda solution to the drum or if your machine will not allow you to do this, you can pour the solution through the main powder drawer as the machine is washing.
As soon as the fixative is added you can continue with the main wash cycle until the end of the programme.
At the end you should have some neatly dyed fabric.
All persons handling Procion MX should take precautions to avoid accidental ingestion (swallowing), inhaling of dust and skin and eye contact.
The Following recommendations should be observed:
- Wear rubber (or surgical type) gloves at all times.
- A full front covering apron or lab coat is recommended to protect against spillage.
- Safety spectacles with transparent sides will provide eye protection.
- Wherever possible avoid splashes and skin contact.
- If large quantities of powder dyes are to be dispersed or aerosol mists produced, it is recommended that a filter pad-type nose and mouth mask is worn to avoid inhaling any dust or mist generated.
- Procion Reactive Dyes have been associated with cases of respiratory allergy by people handling them.
Generation and inhalation of dust, aerosol mists or droplets during handling should be avoided.
If an individual develops symptoms similar to hay fever or asthma, this person should seek medical advice.
It is recommended that people suffering from asthma or those with chronic chest disease should avoid handling these products.
Eye Contact Immediately irrigate with eyewash solution or copious amounts of clean water for at least 15 minutes.
Obtain medical attention if ill effects occur.
Ingestion Rinse mouth and then drink plenty of water.
Do NOT induce vomiting.
Obtain medical attention if ill effects occur.
Inhalation Procion Reactive Dyes have been associated with cases of respiratory allergy by people handling them.
Generation and inhalation of dust, aerosol mists or droplets during handling should be avoided.
If an individual develops symptoms similar to hay fever or asthma, this person should seek medical advice.
It is recommended that people suffering from asthma or those with chronic chest disease should avoid handling these products.
Firefighting In common with many organic compounds involved in a fire situation, dyes in powder form can produce flammable dust clouds in air.
If involved in a fire, like many organic compounds, noxious and toxic fumes may be emitted and self-contained breathing apparatus and suitable protective clothing should be worn in fire conditions.