Half Size Mannequins
Ladies half size beige mannequin
£105.00 -
How to scale up half size patterns booklet (Including a set of half size basic blocks) Printed booklet
£7.50 -
Principles of pattern adaptation using quarter size blocks printed booklet (Including quarter size block templates)
£6.50 -
The ladies offset halfsize mannequin (To allow dressing with trousers) beige
£105.00 -
The Mans offset halfsize mannequin (To allow dressing with trousers) beige
£105.00 -
Ladies half size Red mannequin
£105.00 -
Third size mannequins dual mount for both dresses and trousers Beige
£78.00 -
Third size mannequins dual mount for both dresses and trousers Black
£78.00 -
Third size mannequins dual mount for both dresses and trousers Red
£78.00 -
Third size mannequins dual mount for both dresses and trousers White