Double knit 100% wool multiple colours 800g

-Knitting Supplies

Double knit 100% wool multiple colours 800g

Multi colour bag of 100% wool double knit

This is 100% wool double knit multi-colour selection yarn totalling approx. 800g. The skeins are approx. 25g. This yarn is not branded. It is 100% wool and it is a fine double knit. We have tested it both by hand and also on a knitting machine. On a knitting machine it knits on the small numbers of a chunky domestic machine and by hand it knits well on approx. 4 mm needles.
The yarn washes well by hand at 30 °C and I would describe its texture as a smooth shetland.
We have also experimented with its felting qualities and it makes a wonderful strong felt if you wash the knitting in the hot wash of your washing machine.

The colours are lovely and all similar in tone. I have photographed the contents of the bag and also a piece of knitting which has only some of the colours but will hopefully give you an idea.
The contents of the bag-:
There will be at least 14 different colours as in the main picture. As base colours there is approx. 150g of very dark chocolate and approx. 75g of stone and 75g of black and there will be an additional 10 – 12 extra colours of varying quantity’s but as in the pictures. This is an ideal opportunity for anyone who loves playing with colours. These yarns were made to go with each other as you can see from the pictures.

4 in stock
